Friday, November 20, 2009

Women, or mature men only please, I have a sore area down there and don't know what to do.?

I am 14, and my mom allready gave me Monostat, and I finished that. I felt better for about a day. Now my discharge is even worse. There is about a quarter inch of red, painful, itchy skin about my libia. I told my mom, but she said to wait a few more days. It really hurts, especially when urinating and when I have to wipe. I get ingrown hairs often, and often have boils, but I have never had anything like this. I also have a strong odor to my discharge and pee. Sorry not trying to be too graphic. I have allready tried VagiGuard, Monostat, Neosporin, and Cortizone. All advice is great! Thanks!

Women, or mature men only please, I have a sore area down there and don't know what to do.?
You could have some kind of yeast infection, drink some cranberry juice a couple glasses a day soul help with the smelling your pee. As for the red spot i hope you wipe from front to rear, you don't need to introduce the back door to the front door. Also do you wear those cotton undies or those thongs, I have read and heard that the thong is a fast track to infections also. It might have help some with those creams but did you put them on and then cover the area so it remained hot and sweaty? If it was covered that could add to your troubles. try putting only one kind on wear a pair of baggy pants, sweat pants, night shirt, some kind of sleep wear and no undies, it wold mean you stay home and little to no one over until this heals up. A trip to ER would not hurt any good luck.
Reply:I would go see a doctor today. probably nothing too serious and he would give you something and then you would quit worrying so much.

lady slipper

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