Monday, November 16, 2009

How can I help my dog from scrathing alot?

My dog does not have fleas I have checked her.I take her a bath I think it is her skin maybe she has dry itchy skin.Is there any powders that I can buy for her to help her or any thing.And don't say to the vet because I do not bring her to the vet unless it is something ill or for her shots.Any help or remedy would be helpful.

How can I help my dog from scrathing alot?
I know you said not to say go to the vet. But your dog could possibly have a skin infection? or allergies. That could be the cause of the itchyness
Reply:I give my dogs, Omega 3 Fatty Acids Fish Oil Vitamins! This helps their skin, coat, and heart!! In about 2 weeks or maybe even sooner, you will notice a nice shiny beautiful coat, and less scratching!! Good Luck I hope this helps!!!!
Reply:My dogs are the same way....I put a little oil into the bath water and pour it over them. I will take a couple baths, but it does work...

good luck
Reply:What food are you feeding?

Add raw egg, salmon oil, Vitamin E, yogurt to the diet as well.
Reply:She could have "hot spots". One of my dogs does. You can get stuff over the counter, like at wal-mart, or make your own. 1/3 rubbing acholol, and 2/3 water. Spray it ONLY on the spot where she's itching most. DO NOT get it in her eyes!
Reply:you 1st should have your vet check for allergies, fleas, bathing her too much can dry out the skin including the wrong shampoo. Try adding omega-fatty acid to her food( this is a vitamin that is great for skin and coat and eyes.cod liver oil is a good source. add according to size and weight of your dog.
Reply:there are pet stores and stores online that sell..... no i am not kidding.... dog shampoo and conditioner. they make it for dry skin. it really helps surface dryness. also, giving them vitamins with fatty acids or oil helps too, to hydrate their skin from the inside.
Reply:Feed her the way nature intended. Go to and click on the nutrition page.

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