Monday, November 16, 2009

Demanding a CT Scan?

I am a 20 year old female. Recently, I've been feeling very unwell. I did not think much of it until I randomly ran across a description of Hodgkin's Disease. I have the fever, the night sweats, the itchy skin, loss of appetite, fatigue, red skin, and weight loss. However, I'm led to believe that swollen lymph nodes are the most important symptom. I'm not sure if I have any, but I do have chest pain that is pretty constant. What are the chances my doctor will recommend me a CT scan, and how can I go about demanding one? Should she just allow me on the basis of my symptoms? (Basically, it's about making a case to the insurance company that this is necessary).

Demanding a CT Scan?
They will do a simple blood test first, then if it shows abnormal, they probably will order a cat scan, the doctor could justify it to your insurance company based on your symptoms, express your concern to your doctor and listen to him.
Reply:There is really no blood test taht determines Hodkins. I have lymphnode enlargement now for 4 years and I have had to find another Dr who takes my concerns seriously.That may be what you have to do. Explain to her or him your concerns and tehn demand the tests. It is your life not the Doctors. You would feel the lymphnodes they would stick out. They are all over the body.Good luck
Reply:I was 15 when I found out I had Hodgkin's Disease. I had all the symptom you have. Mine was in my chest area. I end up going to the er and got a x-ray done. At that time they seen a mass in my chest area. It didn't take to long and they made me get a CT scan and a PET scan. So I think your doctor will recommend you to get one.
Reply:Blood tests will NOT do it. If you have no obvious swollen lymphs nodes to biospsy, maybe they can see what they need to on a CT scan. There is a way to go in and biopsy lymph nodes in the chest, but it may require surgery. I had a LOT of chest wall pain when I was getting sick, because all the nodes in my chest were swollen. But, I had a prominent one at the base of my neck that was biopsied. Hon, please don't be afraid, if it is something bad, there are great treatments out there. But you are starting out exactly like I did. Stay on top of your doctors. Don't let insurance worries keep you from treatment.

Here is the best site for info on Lymphoma:

Best wishes

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