Monday, November 16, 2009

Can anyone tell me the name of this apparently rare disease?

Some symptoms include itchy skin, inflamed blood, and this condition where you know when u scratch ur skin there's a white mark, but it fades? the marks dont fade. It's not the effect of a common allergen.

Can anyone tell me the name of this apparently rare disease?
Sounds like, if it is a disease it could be one of many autoimmune diseases. Or like you said allergy. Are there more symtoms with the skin one?
Reply:I don't know what that would be but it could be anemia. That is where there isn't enough iron in the blood. I think if I were you, I would be calling my doctor and asking them, instead of asking people on the net. I really am not being ugly, but with my health, I don't fool around with it.
Reply:Sjögren's Syndrome
Reply:I have just spent the last 30 minutes trawling the Internet an I'm sorry but I can find some matches with a couple of the symptoms but not all. Dehydration believe it or not , Diabetes, poor circulation but the one I'm struggling with is inflamed blood?! I've looked at blood disorders and can find sepsis and septicemia but not inflammation so maybe it's better you go to the following site as they have so much information and lots of links.

Good luck and I hope your friend finds out what is going on!

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