Friday, November 20, 2009

Is it possible to develop an allergy to alcohol?

For the past three years, I have been an incredibly hard drinker. I could easily drink the better part of a liter of vodka, not be sick, and wake up the next day with a managable hangover. About three months ago, this all changed suddenly. Now whenever I have more than two beers, I wake up the next morning violently ill. I have frequent heartburn, constant nausea, and itchy skin if I have had any alcohol in the past 24 hours. Have I developed an allergy to alcohol? I've tried only drinking beer, or wine, or liqour to see if it was a particular kind, but they all make me feel wretched. What does this mean?

Is it possible to develop an allergy to alcohol?
It's not allergy derived by alcohol, the fact is that the liver who is responsible to metabolize all kinds of things such as the vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and is the one responsible to produce enzymes to digest food and drinks maybe you have a burn or hurt liver that isn't metabolizing alcohol the same way you have been doing for the past three years, because you gave your liver overwork and your liver doesn't process the same way the amounts of alcohol you have drink for the past 3 years and your liver doesn't produce the same quantity or amount of enzymes to digest it and that's why you are feeling all those symptoms!

A possible solution to your problem is to stop drinking indefinetely because if you don't cease drinking your liver problem could get worse and develop another illness called "cirossis" and with that illness you liver will not process properly not only drinks but food will be not digested the same way you do know! Drink pure water and eat vegetables and do a healthy diet to repair your liver functions and take digestive enzymes pills to help you and your liver to properly create enzymes to process food and drink!

Good Luck And Get Well!
Reply:For the love of God, I hope not!
Reply:If my grandmother had more than 1 glass of wine, her palms would turn a bright red and would itch for hours. The doctor said she was alergic to alcohol (in her case red wine) and she should pay attention to the signs because it could lead to a type of anaphlactic shock.
Reply:Alcohol can cause a variety of immediate adverse effects on the body. Studies show that some people are more sensitive to these effects than others are — although this doesn't mean that they have an alcohol allergy. A true allergic reaction involves the immune system.

Alcohol can cause headache, rapid heartbeat and nausea. Some people are especially sensitive to the stomach-irritating effects of alcohol and may develop heartburn, abdominal pain and even vomiting. Alcohol can also increase blood flow to parts of the body, such as the skin and the lining of the nose. This may result in warm, red, sometimes itchy skin, as well as nasal congestion. Rarely, a person may have sensitivity to the preservatives used in some wines and beers.

Many people of Asian descent experience an unusual flushing reaction after drinking alcohol — even in very small amounts. This is caused by a genetic disorder in which the body is unable to break down alcohol completely. Some research suggests that people who experience alcohol flush reaction may be at increased risk of alcohol-related conditions, such as cancer of the esophagus and liver disease.

The only solution to all of these problems is to avoid alcohol
Reply:it might be ya body trying to get use to it all
Reply:Some people are more allergic to certain types of alchohol than others. They're based from grains, herbs, and percolated with spices of various types. There is also a condition whereby an individual does not have the gene present to break down the alcohol and the body will become very red and flushed. Often called the "Asian flush." See a doctor check this forum because it sounds like something other than just a simple allergy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:It means that your body is trying to tell you something. ;)

I have heard that you can become allergic to alcohol. Although think about it, wouldn't alcoholism and alcoholic poisoning be considered a type of alcoholic allergy?
Reply:Your body is trying to tell you to lay off alcohol.You may have an allergy but more likely your body has been so abused by alcohol it rejects it anyway it can.
Reply:Yes, and I am the special one. My symptoms are amnesia, headache and vomiting. Other than that I do not know. I have amnesia remember!
Reply:Sure you could have developed an allergy to alcohol. Sucks to be you man. Try going without for a few days see if you get the symptoms. If not, have a few drinks, if symptoms recur you probably are allergic.
Reply:maybe its time for you to stop for a while....and its better if u see a doctor k...
Reply:Do you want it straight up or...., jokes aside. Everyone is allergic to alcohol, but some are getting away with it easier. As you said you have been drinking hard over a period of 3 years, I say you were on your way to become an alcoholic, and a damaged one also. You know, all we drink goes through our liver and kidneys, and that is where the first signs for alcohol abuse will show. At least it did for me. You don`t say how old you are, but as a rule, the younger you are, the worse. However, as you have control, you can easy fix all problems. You gotta stay of the booze, a good while, I am talking months if not a year or two. Your body will, if you eat right and exercise a bit everyday, heal it self. And you can start it all over. I don`t wanna preach or anything, but be aware, hard drinking only takes you one way, and that is a way I hope you don`t take. Anyway, good luck and peace and love from Norway


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